
The Bitterest Truths

Only with the realization of the monster inside can we cling to our salvation.

The bitterest truths are left untouched

They scare and they dare
Leaving us alone,
wanting, desperate
Cutting us as knives,
leaving us broken
So we look away
We fail to see
but most of all
We fail to know
For the truth, the bitter truth,
is that there is no hope
The hope we cling to
Hard and long
Is but illusion
Full of riches and gold
But a lie nonetheless
The bitterest truths are left untouched
For they destroy dreams
Mirrors reflect but the mask-
Who you are:
A monster
A coward
A liar
The bitterest truths are left untouched
They wreak havoc on a lying world
They reveal the monster
A heart of sin
In the Dark
The Monster we can't face
And so Truth will stand
And without her, Hope ceases to be.



For those trapped within their sin

I don’t know, I don’t care
I’m locked away and don’t know where
My fingers—they grasp! amid blood and tears
Screaming. Moaning. Yet no one hears
All is lost, why do I try?
Hope whispers faintly, I spurn its lie
How could this happen? Why didn’t I see?
This pit of lead, right in front of me.
For I have writ a thousand words to hide
Alas! But in vain, for this cage lives inside

I fear the dark, I feared the light
I feared of being revealed
But trapped inside this horrid night
I fear being left concealed

I want to escape, I want to live!
What is this darkness that my will should give?
Why should I succumb to this terrible fate?
If death has come, it will be too late.
But then in horror and disgust
I find my name amid the dust
This prison is my own, all mine!
I placed these bars, created the grime
This black woe stems from none but me
I’ve made the lock but not a key.


The clash between what we feel as guilt and what is Truth

Left in sorrow, devoid of joy
I lie here once again
A foolish plaything, a broken toy
A seeping blackness within

Coward. Fool. This weight is your own
It will not go away
Despite the tears, the wails, the moans
This vivid black will stay
All I touch turns to ash
All I do will fail
All I attempt eludes my grasp
All vibrant has gone pale
Can light exist in such a state?
Can stars stop the infinite black?
Can hope hope to permeate?
Or will this barbed gate keep holding me back?

I thought I could trust, I thought I could grasp
All the promises given to me
But the broken image in the marred glass
Has only itself to blame and to be

I can’t hold on, my fingers break
They grasp at air while I suffocate
No one knows, and no one shall
Has Truth failed and come too late?

Is there hope for such as I?
Is there Truth indeed?
Can I learn to fight the lie?
Or will despair succeed?
I want to reach and find the light
I know the truth within
But what I feel clouds what I know
When will this turmoil end?


She dwells alone. She is acquainted with grief, and mourns for every wound that Arda has suffered in the marring of Melkor. So great was her sorrow, as the Music unfolded, that her song turned to lamentation long before its end, and the sound of mourning was woven into the themes of the World before it began. But she does not weep for herself; and those who hearken to her learn pity, and endurance in hope. Her halls are west of West, upon the borders of the world; and she comes seldom to the city of Valimar where all is glad. She goes rather to the halls of Mandos, which are near to her own; and all those who wait in Mandos cry to her, for she brings strength to the spirit and turns sorrow to wisdom. The windows of her house look outward from the walls of the world. (The Silmarillion, Chapter 2, "Valaquenta")