

The clash between what we feel as guilt and what is Truth

Left in sorrow, devoid of joy
I lie here once again
A foolish plaything, a broken toy
A seeping blackness within

Coward. Fool. This weight is your own
It will not go away
Despite the tears, the wails, the moans
This vivid black will stay
All I touch turns to ash
All I do will fail
All I attempt eludes my grasp
All vibrant has gone pale
Can light exist in such a state?
Can stars stop the infinite black?
Can hope hope to permeate?
Or will this barbed gate keep holding me back?

I thought I could trust, I thought I could grasp
All the promises given to me
But the broken image in the marred glass
Has only itself to blame and to be

I can’t hold on, my fingers break
They grasp at air while I suffocate
No one knows, and no one shall
Has Truth failed and come too late?

Is there hope for such as I?
Is there Truth indeed?
Can I learn to fight the lie?
Or will despair succeed?
I want to reach and find the light
I know the truth within
But what I feel clouds what I know
When will this turmoil end?

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