

Silent shadows speak my name
Whispered voices in the dark
Haunting words.
Static chords.
Something that words will not convey
Horrid hands around my neck
This standing pressure
In endless measure
Takes me.
Breaks me.
Again and again.
My sins, my wrongs
Stain my songs.
My pale hands,
Nailed Yours.
But still You hear.
I'll fall-
but in Your arms.
You'll catch me though I know it not.
I'll cry bitter lonely tears
And as they trickle meeting the ground,
I'll feel You have gone.
But have You?
Or have I?

1 comment:

Decaying Morality said...

I decided to check out this girl who always has the most exquisite advice on writing. To make it short and, I am sorry that it doesn't say nearly enough for your talent but, I am far, far beyond impressed...

God bless,
Kenyn M.