

...for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh...
(2 Corinthians 12:7)

(06-09-08: Edited slightly)

A thorn against pale skin
The thorn-my woe, my sin
Pricks. My blood red seeping-
Leaving me within It’s keeping.

I’m held to devices
Of the thorn; my vices
Pale, haggard hands grope
Finger tips grasp the rope.
A gasp! Bitter lightning pain,
Fingers fall; the thorn has won-


Anonymous said...

I know I told you what I thought already, but I thought I'd leave a comment telling you how much I loved it anyway.
Which, of course, I do. I can really relate to the poem, and the imagery you wove into it is marvelous.
- Ian

Carmen said...

Ahhh, so that's what your little biography means! The whole "thorn in her side" bit, I kept racking my brain trying to figure out what you were saying. Now I know. ^_^ Plus, it's beautiful. It's nice when deep poems have rhyme to them.

Decaying Morality said...

Thank you for touching my heart.
